SQL Query Engine Configuration
The SQL Query Engine exposes a REST API to generate CSV files from user supplied SQL. An HTTP POST request is made to the SQL Query endpoint passing the SQL statement. The SQL Query Engine makes a database connection, executes the query and then closes the connection. Results are returned to the user as CSV or JSON.
Access to this feature is controlled by a configuration file. This allows a DBA to limit the list of database environments that allow SQL access. For example, they may wish to allow access for development databases but not production.
endpoints.json file
The configuration file is called endpoints.json
. It contains an object of key value pairs with keys that correspond to database endpoints and values that represent their connect strings. Example:
The API server exposes an /endpoints
endpoint which returns a list of valid endpoints based on the database registration file. Use the /endpoints API to generate a default configuration file for your environment:
curl http://load-balancer-ip/endpoints/ > endpoints.json
Edit the generated file to remove any entries you don’t want to expose. Note: Do not edit individual endpoint keys or connect string values. The UI will not enable the query editor for database endpoints where the API Server and SQL Query Engine values do not match.
Edit the endpoints.json for a VM deployment
In a VM deployment the endpoints.json file is located in the /home/visulate/config directory. ssh into the VM to change its value and then restart the service using docker-compose:
cd /home/visulate
sudo vi config/endpoints.json
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
Apply the endpoints.json file as a new secret for a Kubernetes deployment
Generate a kubernetes secret from the file with a key of endpoints.json
kubectl create secret generic sql-endpoints --from-file=endpoints.json=./endpoints.json
Note: the secret name is not important but it’s key must be endpoints.json
use kubectl to verify the secret has been applied
kubectl get secret
other entries ...
sql-endpoints Opaque 1 10d
Update the SQL Query Engine deployment
Find the deployment name:
kubectl get deploy
visulate-for-oracle-1107-visulate-for-oracle-api 1/1 1 1 3d1h
visulate-for-oracle-1107-visulate-for-oracle-sql 1/1 1 1 3d1h
visulate-for-oracle-1107-visulate-for-oracle-ui 1/1 1 1 3d1h
Download the deployment manifest:
kubectl get deploy visulate-for-oracle-1107-visulate-for-oracle-sql \
-oyaml > sql-deployment.yaml
Edit the config-endpoints-volume entry in the manifest:
- name: config-endpoints-volume
defaultMode: 420
secretName: sql-endpoints
Validate the edited file:
$ kubectl apply --dry-run=client --validate -f sql-deployment.yaml
Apply the file:
$ kubectl apply --validate -f sql-deployment.yaml
Test the connections
Use curl to verify the connections. A GET request for a given endpoint should return its connect string. For example, with the endpoints.json example shown above:
$ curl http:\\load-balancer-ip/sql/vis115
Timeout Duration
By default requests to the SQL Query Engine timeout after 30 seconds. This can be extended by modifying the timeout duration for the load balancer backend.
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